Good Advice

Investing and Saving

We know you have financial goals

Grow your wealth.

Investing and saving is about more than just your money. It’s about your life, your goals, your family’s security, and your happiness.

The ATB Wealth Investing Fundamentals Guide

Grow your knowledge of investing and increase your confidence around managing your money.

Tips for investing during a bear market

It’s natural to feel worried in a bear market. We offer a few tips to keep your investments safe in a wild and unpredictable downturn.

Running your numbers? Start with your goals

Financial planning software and online calculators are quick and convenient, but achieving your goals requires both number crunching and a human touch.

Respecting inflation in your planning

We discuss why it’s important to consider inflation in your planning and some of the risks associated with overestimating or underestimating inflation.

Avoid “FOMO” when seeking financial advice online

You can find great financial advice online and in person, but there are flags to watch out for with both. We share tips on what to look for.

Don't fear volatility

We decipher between the two and explain how we manage volatility and risk through diversification.

How to harness your earning power for future savings

Just starting your career and wondering how to plan for your financial future? Find out how to start ‘paying yourself’ for those big goals down the road.

Why a financial plan matters now—and after the pandemic

Financial planning can be of great value during difficult or uncertain times but will remain equally important when life returns to “normal.”

Deciding between an RRSP or TFSA

RRSPs and TFSAs are similar as they both provide incentives for Canadians to save and invest, but their differences will likely lead you to one or the other.

Putting our principles first

We help you drown out the noise of market talk by focusing on a solid portfolio and smart decisions over the long term.

Dispelling the myths of robo-advisors

Robo-advisors like to equate fee savings to better investment performance, but it’s only one of the factors that lead to investor success.

Let’s talk about biases: A behavioural look-back on the GameStop chronicles

How human nature and behavioral biases contributed to the rise and fall of GameStop and how to prevent getting caught up in the next bubble.

What is a risk rating and how does it apply to your investments?

Let’s walk through some of the basic features of mutual fund risk ratings and how they should impact decision-making.

Winners are made in the mountains

Successful investing is made up of a series of doing the right things throughout a journey, similar to lessons learned by cyclist teams competing in the grueling Tour de France.

RRSP and TFSA information for 2021

Important information about contributing to your RRSP or TFSA in 2021.

How do foreign exchange rates impact my investments?

What is foreign exchange rate risk and how does it impact portfolio returns? Learn how hedging and portfolio diversification can mitigate currency risk.

What impacts currency movement?

Key factors that affect foreign exchange rates: inflation, interest rates, trading activity. How these factors pertain to a Canadian investor with USD exposure. 

What you need to know about online trading platforms

Here are the top three things to keep in mind when you’re considering managing your investment account on your own through an online investment platform.

How to understand your quarterly return statements

Understanding your quarterly returns, how to be objective in reviewing statements and understanding what short-term statements mean for your long-term financial plan.

How returns are calculated: Time-weighted vs. money-weighted

There are two industry standards for calculating portfolio performance that investors need to be aware of: time-weighted returns (TWR) and money-weighted returns (MWR).

Annuals or perennials

A look at how your flower choice, annuals or perennials, can mirror your investment portfolio and strategy.

The value of having a financial plan

Creating a personalized financial plan will help you stay on the right path to reach your financial and lifestyle goals.

Risk is what hides beneath

How can we help our decision-making when we are confronted with risk, and how do we know if we are properly calculating risk?

How your financial advisor can help during turbulent markets

A financial advisor can help you prepare and plan for volatile markets, navigate any bumps along the way, avoid emotional decisions and tune out all the noise.

What professional fund managers do in the face of volatility

Understanding volatility, risk, and diversification during market turmoil and how fund companies use portfolio rebalancing to increase long-term success.

What is dollar cost averaging and what are the benefits?

What is dollar cost averaging and how can it contribute to the success of a long-term investment plan.

Four things to remember during market volatility

Here are four things to remember to help you beat the uncomfortable feelings and manage your investments (as objectively as possible) during periods of market volatility.

The frequency of five percent market drops

An overview five percent market drops in the past few years and why a long-term investment strategy is key during these market drops.

What is investing versus speculating?

What is speculation in the investment world? What is the difference between speculating and investing?

How to test drive your retirement plans

When you plan your retirement, think about how you will spend your days, what your succession plan will be and what the ideal future looks like for you and your partner.

Women in finance - how mentorship can make the difference

How mentorship can help guide women working in the financial industry.

Growth versus value investing

Value vs growth. Which will outperform? Stop trying to guess and consider the merits of having exposure to both. ATB Wealth has options that will get you there.

What can a financial advisor do for you?

Your world is busy, and getting financial advice can help take the worry away. This is when working with a financial advisor can get your money working for you.

Investing in real estate

A real estate investment trust (REIT) is typically a business that invests in, and operates, income-producing properties.

5 common behavioural investing biases

Achieving investment success requires a blend of disciplined portfolio construction and tempered investor behaviour.

Gold as an investment

Gold is a lot of things to a lot of people, but is it a sound investment? Does it have a place in your portfolio?

How small changes lead to big investment outcomes

Awareness is the first step in mitigating poor investment (or life) behavior. Removing the option for poor judgement allows us to focus on our intended long term plan.

Successful investing made simple

Ensuring your money is managed responsibly, helps new investors feel less intimidated, especially during turbulent times.

8 things to look for in a great advisor

A great financial advisor helps you achieve your financial goals and creates happiness. Here are 8 signs you’ve found the perfect financial advisor for you.

Are you winning the inflation race?

In your race against inflation, it’s important to consider the real value of your investment returns.

A year in review: ask yourself about your investments

A lot can change in a year. Here are some tips to help align your investment plan with your ever-changing life.

Common myths about women in investing

We go beyond mere statistics for the truth about women in this industry and female investors.

Investment decisions—top-down or bottom-up?

Investment analysis is often classified as using either a top-down or bottom-up perspective.

Will an inheritance or trust affect my eligibility for AISH?

Changes related to trusts and inheritances for persons with disabilities.

What do rising interest rates mean for your portfolio?

The size of the Bank of Canada rate change is perhaps not as important as the trend it signals.

How small changes lead to big investment outcomes

Awareness is the first step in mitigating poor investment (or life) behavior. Removing the option for poor judgement allows us to focus on our intended long term plan.

The reason why you’re a successful investor

When the markets hit rough waters, it's your behavior that will keep your investing boat afloat and still get you to your destination.

The risk of investing too much into your company’s stock

Though there are benefits to purchasing your own company's shares, not diversifying your portfolio is a risky and reckless investment decision.

Investing in rental properties

Key principles investors should consider for existing or potential direct real estate investments in rental properties.

4 tips for tax filing season

Here are 4 solid tips to get you on your way to tackle tax season with confidence.

How to set goals and (actually) achieve them

We’ll guide you through how to set SMART goals for your investments and your everyday.

How to take the stress out of investing

It’s difficult not to let your emotions influence decisions about your investment portfolio. The best course of action is to create a long-term strategic plan.

The basics of investment asset classes

Understanding the three main asset classes and their corresponding investments - Where do stocks, bonds, and GICs fit?

The benefits to investing regularly

There are plenty of benefits to investing regularly, but here are two reasons it really makes an impact.

What's a Pre-Authorized Contribution (PAC)?

Pre-authorized contributions (PACs) will help grow your savings accounts and mutual fund investments.

Which is better: funds or individual stocks and bonds?

For new investors, the world of stocks, bonds and mutual funds can be a confusing place. What’s the difference between them? And which ones are right for you?

Why do I need a financial advisor?

A financial advisor has the education, knowledge, and the time required to properly manage your investment portfolio.

Qualifying for an RDSP with type 1 diabetes

Here’s what you need to know about DTCs, RDSPs and qualifying with type 1 diabetes.

What to do with your tax return

Should you spend it or should you save it? Here’s some advice about what to do with your tax return.

Valuation of Canada's cannabis stocks

Many unknowns remain when evaluating Canadian cannabis stocks. Here are some things you should consider before investing in this emerging market.

Successful investing made simple

Ensuring your money is managed responsibly, helps new investors feel less intimidated, especially during turbulent times.

Understanding ethical and socially responsible investing

Being socially aware can now extend into the way you invest. Learn how to construct an investment portfolio from an ethical perspective.

How to translate golf know-how into successful investing

Did you know that professional golf and successful investing have a lot in common? Let’s take a look into what professional golfers can teach us about our financial future.

Is the future of finance female friendly

Great strides have been made to get more women interested in investing and working in this industry, but more effort will be needed to really move the needle.

ATB Investor Beat: Why families should talk about money

Understanding and reporting on the mindset, perceptions and behaviours around saving and investing in Alberta.

ATB Wealth experts are ready to listen.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced investor, we can help.