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Support Alberta by shopping local this holiday season

By ATB Financial 1 December 2020 2 min read

The holiday season is upon us, which means we’re coming up to the end of a very unusual and difficult year. For many of us, 2020 has been tough. That’s especially true for many of Alberta’s local businesses. But if we’ve learned anything over the past nine months, it’s the importance of supporting one another.

As we approach the busiest shopping time of the year, think about how your shopping list can support local business owners and the Alberta economy. No matter how big or small your budget is, every dollar can make a difference.

How can you support Alberta this holiday season?

With the inability to keep business as usual throughout the year, many small businesses are relying on a profitable holiday season.


"Local businesses need our support more than ever right now. The pandemic has unfortunately shut down many of the small businesses in our backyard. Consumers supporting local businesses will help our local economy continue to move forward. "

Carly Wells, ATB Senior Manager

Purchasing from local businesses instead of large multinational corporations helps keep your money in Alberta. This not only financially benefits the province and business owners, it also helps business owners provide jobs to other Albertans.

We’re an Alberta company too. So, when you keep your money at ATB, it stays here, growing your wealth and strengthening our province.

The benefits of shopping local

While it has economic benefits, buying local also has many advantages for shoppers like you. Here are just a few:

  • Buying locals allows you to purchase more personalized or customized goods that are meaningful and high quality.
  • You can often contact the owner directly if you have questions or want to order something special.
  • You can shop according to your values (sustainable, Indigenous owned, waste-free).
  • Shopping locally also means less stress at the post office and allows you to avoid shipping issues and delays, which has been a common theme throughout 2020.
  • Local pick-up options use less wasteful packaging.
  • You often have the guarantee that you will receive your gift on time.

Where can you shop local?

There are a variety of unique ways to support Alberta by shopping at our fantastic small businesses. Not only can you choose specific locations on Etsy to ensure you are shopping locally when ordering online, but there are also many digital holiday markets popping up on social media platforms. Monitor your area by tracking specific hashtags like #buylocalyyc and #supportlocal—which have frequently been trending in the Calgary and Edmonton areas.

Here are some examples to help you support Alberta-based businesses:

Stay safe while shopping local

With this year being unusual in many ways, we must continue to stay safe as we support Alberta. Not only do you want to be mindful of government regulations in place, but remember also to be aware of your financial security when shopping online.

During the holiday season, fraud is usually at an all-time high. Protect yourself by monitoring your credit cards and online banking to see if you spot any unusual expenses. Avoid scams and stay vigilant with your hard-earned money.

But, above all else, remember that the holiday season isn’t just about gift-giving. If you are experiencing financial hardship, it’s important to remember that you do not need to feel pressure to buy more than you can afford to give. 

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