Cybersecurity and Fraud Protection

How to protect your business from cyber theft and payment fraud

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After all the time, energy and hustle you’ve put into building your business, you take pride in the reputation and success you’ve worked so hard to build. As you should! But with 1 in 4 Albertan businesses falling victim to fraud, it’s important to understand you’re likely not the only one with eyes on your business.

Whether it’s your industry secrets, payment information or customer records, cyber criminals understand not only how valuable your data is, but how valuable your data is to you. The size of your business... is irrelevant. Every business is vulnerable. While you may have gone to great lengths to protect your physical assets, have you applied the ingenuity, innovation and determination to ensure your digital information is safe?


You’ve got my attention. What should I do?

As hackers develop increasingly sophisticated tools to breach a rapidly growing technology landscape, you need a cyber security strategy to defend against a list of threats which evolve quickly. Our guide on how to protect your business from cyber theft and payment fraud will explore:

  • Some of the most common types of payment fraud and cyber
    theft against businesses and the schemes criminals use to carry them out;

  • The most common ways cyber thieves will try to gain access to your organization;

  • A few costly numbers behind the fallout from cyber attacks on your business;

  • First steps to take when you discover a thief has infiltrated your systems;

  • Four strategies to immediately and dramatically reduce the potential for cyber theft and fraud and also limit the damage caused by a breach;

  • And more...


Protect your business from cyber threats

ATB's Cyber Security Toolkit is full of tips that are easy to implement in your business.

Need help?

Our ATB Business Solutions team will be happy to assist.