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5 sales tips for small business owners (in only 155 seconds)

By ATB Financial 25 October 2021 2 min read


The word “sales” could make you cringe. Maybe it brings memories of your favorite used car salesman, or being heckled into buying a new vacuum at your front door. No matter what your experience with sales has been, we’re here to help—and hopefully redeem some of those past experiences.

As a small business owner, sales are crucial to your success. Here's our top five sales tips.


1. Listen, listen, listen

Listen to your customer, listen to the market, and listen to the people who aren’t buying your product or service. Your customers can tell you what you’re doing right or wrong, and why they’re choosing you. The market will inform you of trends and purchasing patterns—you need to see where your business fits in. Lastly, learning why people aren’t buying from you is invaluable information that you can use to tailor your business or refine your target market.


2. Let your passion show

No one knows your business like you do. And the passion that you have for your business is contagious—so spread it! Show off a positive attitude, speak with enthusiasm, and invite people into the good vibes you experience because of your business.


3. It’s all about your network

When it comes to business, who you know is just as important as what you know. So take the time to nurture your relationships and build your network.

If you’re looking to connect with some like-minded people, our Entrepreneur Centres have weekly events and workshops that provide great networking opportunities. Best of all, these events are free!


4. Think about your triple bottom line—people, planet and profit

New generations are more conscious of environmental and social impact of companies they’re purchasing from. It’s not really an option to be a conscious company—it’s expected. According to Adweek, more than 9 out of 10 millennials would switch brands to one associated with a cause.

Even if your business isn’t fully flushed out yet, keep this front of mind. Figure out how your business cares, and make sure that’s well communicated throughout your brand messaging.


5. Know what makes you unique

Whatever sets you apart is the thing you have to offer potential customers. Hone in on that, know it inside and out, and make sure that people know what makes you different as well as you do. This is the focus of your elevator pitch.

Get your personal and business elevator pitch to under 30 seconds and have it ready to go at all times. You are your brand, so show up in a way that makes you proud.

Speaking of your pitch, we’ve got a little something to help you out. Use our free pitch template to learn the four things you should include in your elevator pitch​, every time.

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