Good Advice

Amplifying your business.

COVID-19 Business insights and advice

Providing insights, helpful advice and expertise to help you minimize disruption.

Start Up Business

Identifying a target market for your new business

Have a very clear idea of the problem you are trying to solve with your business and who your target market is will be crucial for developing your go-to-market strategy.

Growing your business network as a new Canadian

When it comes to building and growing a business, a strong network is a must. Especially for new Canadian entrepreneurs starting out in Alberta.

Exploring Indigenous intersectionalities

A panel of diverse Indigenous entrepreneurs speak about how their intersectional identities have inspired and challenged them. We share key learnings and a follow-up Q&A.

How YYC and YEG Cycle grew their business

Andrew Obrecht, co-owner of YYC and YEG Cycle, shares his top four tips for other entrepreneurs on how to grow their businesses.

What Manjit Minhas wants entrepreneurs to know

Ever wanted entrepreneurial advice from a Dragon’s Den Dragon? Manjit Minhas offers 6 keys to entrepreneurial success.

Are you an entrepreneur? A letter from ATB

When you’re busy defining what business and entrepreneur means for you, we’re here to listen.


Financial essentials for your construction business

Industry specific advice for construction businesses on how to handle supply chain issues, use debt strategically, create cash flow projections and maximize slow seasons.

How to prepare your business for expansion

Successful growth boils down to preparation. While every business has different needs, all businesses can utilize five essential tips to prepare for growth.

Key tips for businesses navigating international trade

As your business grows, diversifying your supply chain is a critical, proactive step that protects against both large and small risks that can derail your success.

Managing your infrastructure to make room for growth

If your business is ready to expand, likely so is your infrastructure. From supply management to staffing and physical space, there’s a lot to consider.

Expanding your business beyond Alberta

If, as an Albertan entrepreneur you’ve already captured a good size of the provincial market, maybe it’s time to grow your business beyond borders.

5 signs telling entrepreneurs they’re ready to grow

Business growth can be driven through multiple approaches and strategies. The first question to ask yourself before making the move to expand is, “Am I ready?”

How to manage foreign exchange risk

Why Canadian Global uses ATB FX to find the best exchange rate for foreign currency exchange.

Money and Financing

The ATB Entrepreneur’s Guide to crowdfunding

Share your story and give your business idea the spotlight it deserves!

What’s the best time to get a business loan?

Learn the ideal circumstances for loans, how to position your company to get the best rate and what to look for in a financial institution.

How Seven Summits Snacks raised 111% of their goal

Lessons from Seven Summits Snacks and how they pivoted their go-to-market strategy by running a wildly successful crowdfunding campaign.

How strategic partnerships can help grow your business

The right strategic partners can provide invaluable support for driving your entrepreneurial vision forward and helping to accelerate growth.

Financing business growth

Financing a growth strategy invariably requires support from an external lendor, a personal investor or another financial player. 

How personal finances impact your company’s growth

Your financial acumen and choices in your personal life will impact potential investors or lenders when considering whether or not to fund your business plans.

7 tips for building your credit to finance your business

Debt consolidation involves borrowing money from one lower-interest lender to pay off your debts with other higher-interest lenders.

Pay yourself first: managing your personal finances as an entrepreneur

Separating your personal and business finances is essential to protect your personal cash flow, maintain your personal credit and investing outside of your own business.


ATB Farm Succession Guide

It’s time to make a plan. A comprehensive guide on the farm succession planning process.

Agriculture's role in Alberta’s economy during COVID-19

Alberta’s agriculture sector emerges as a key economic driver as the province rebuilds throughout the pandemic.

Managing your liquidity ratio during the 2019 crop year

After a couple of challenging crop years, current liabilities may begin to creep up, putting pressure on that ratio of current assets to current liabilities

Need a new tractor? Combine crapped out? Should you lease or buy?

Deciding whether to buy or lease new agricultural equipment can be difficult. Our Agricultural Experts are here to help make that decision simpler.

Sugar Beets: One of Alberta’s most unique agricultural industries

Sold in Albertan grocery stores, sugar beets are a part of the local agricultural industry, producing products like granulated sugar, icing sugar and molasses.

People and Culture

Four teachings to cultivate your leadership skills

Indiegenous entrepreneur Kendal Netmaker shares key lessons on cultivating leadership skills both within and outside business.

webinar graphic

How employee engagement leads to productivity and retention

Employee engagement is a proven leading indicator of productivity. As employee engagement goes up, productivity goes up as does retention and safety.

5 ways a successful women-led business boosts their workplace morale

Make work more fun and boost your employees work satisfaction with these 5 tips.

Understanding workplace savings and benefits programs for your business

An enticing workplace savings plan and flexible benefits plan could be key for attracting and retaining top talent.

What the future of HR may look like

COVID-19 has changed the way we work. Human resources management may look quite different both today, and even more so in the future.

Building a strong team: Best practices for hiring and firing

HR management can be a challenge for small businesses, but recruiting the right talent and letting go of underperformers can be vital to your business’ success.

Making mental health conversations the workplace norm

Encouraging open communication about mental health among your team members in your workplace will help to create a safe space where they can do their best work.

Sales and Marketing

Smart marketing strategies to grow your business

Your marketing strategy should continue to evolve and expand to reflect business growth, the marketplace, and your evolving objectives.

Use inbound marketing to bring customers directly to you

Inbound marketing uses digital channels to bring the customer directly to you by providing them with the right content, at the right time.

Social media storytelling to grow your brand

Social media is primarily a storytelling platform. When you can tell a story that captivates and engages your audience, the true power of social media is shown.

Paid search: putting your business in the spotlight

While the world of paid search may seem daunting, it’s ability to put your business directly in front of your market is invaluable.

Inside the value of a strong communications strategy

When getting your entrepreneurial vision up and running, an integrated communications strategy can make all the difference to the success of your business.

How the right media partners can grow your business

There are so many ways to approach marketing your business that for some, bringing in outside partners could be the best approach for getting the most reach.

Succession Planning

Business valuation: understanding your company’s value

Business valuation is a complex process of evaluating  many factors to determine an objective, independent and realistic appraisal of your enterprise.

A look at estate and business transition planning

Estate and business transition planning are both vital to ensuring peace of mind around your financial affairs, through retirement and well into the future.

Building emotional resilience during an unexpected business transition

Selling, merging or closing a business is an emotional time for a business owner. Addressing these feelings is crucial to supporting mental health.

What new Canadian entrepreneurs need to know about succession planning

With many new Canadians entering the world of entrepreneurship, having a clear, strategic succession plan will be vital to ensuring long-term financial wellness.

The complexities of family dynamics in transition planning

Navigating the complexities of succession and transition planning for your family business.

Retirement planning for small business owners

Here's a breakdown of the good, bad, and costly habits that affect your credit score.

Women in Business

How to support the women entrepreneurs of Alberta’s economy

When it comes to growing a small business, women face specific challenges that can have a negative impact on how fast they scale up. How can women overcome the barriers to growth?

Transitioning into business: Lessons from BRITT Land & Engagement

Learn from one of Alberta’s leading land and engagement consulting firms through an in-depth conversation around achieving financial clarity.

Reimagining women's entrepreneurship

Women entrepreneurs face specific additional barriers when it comes to the financing a startup. Join ATB's Shannon Pestun as she uncovers these barriers.

How to protect your business from cyber theft and payment fraud

Protecting your business at every turn.

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